+353 (0)1 293 4300 info@irishpubcompany.com

The Irish Pub Company are the original, oldest pub design company. For the past 30 + years we have been Designing and building Irish pubs in Ireland and abroad. We have designed in excess of 2000 pubs and built over 700 outlets in over 53 countries around the world and our brand remains one of the top choices for investors in the hospitality and food and beverage industry around the world…. So why and how has the Irish Pub Concept become so successful?
To understand why the Irish Pub has reached the level of success it has in exporting the Irish Brand, it is important to know the story behind it. Together, the Irish Pub Company and Guinness created the Irish Pub Concept in 1990.
To create the brand we carried out extensive research to understand what made Irish Pubs so attractive. We knew our atmospheres needed to be unique, be places of intrigue, express Ireland in real ways and also be places of escapism. Out of our research we created 5 main styles of Irish Pub, which to this day are still created throughout the world.

To this day we are the only design and build company that remain an Official Partner of the Guinness Irish Pub Concept.

Central to exporting the brand of a place like Ireland is its identity and its culture – embedding this into authentic design and telling the story is central to the success of exporting the Irish Pub.
We have continued to export Irish Culture through our pubs for over 25 years – every one of our designs is unique and tells its own story – and most importantly Irish Culture is embedded in each of our designs, from the USA, throughout Europe and even as far away as the Middle East and Australia.

The Irish Pub’s success is due to it being genuine and true to life in Ireland past and present and its friendliness and warmth appeals to all cultures.

Exporting the ‘local’ and exporting the culture will only be successful if the people from that culture and the culture itself are sure of its identity. The brand needs to exist prior to being exported – if it is created to be exported through themed outlets, the authenticity will not exist and will not last the test of time, people will not buy into it and it will never become an internationally recognisable brand.
The most important element in our design choices at the Irish Pub Company is that we create authentic experiences in Irish Pubs around the world. Our Irish Pubs are not just aesthetically pleasing, our Irish Pubs bring people to Ireland for a moment and allow them experience the culture of Ireland wherever they are in the world; they experience the Irish Atmosphere, music, food, drink and the design is a true representation of what Ireland is – both years ago and today.

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