27 Aug, 2019 | Uncategorized
Did you know... 30 – 50% of people do not know what they are going to order when they approach the bar! This fact emphasises the importance of good back bar design. Our design team at the Irish Pub Company call the back bar ‘The Altar of Service’ and...
27 Aug, 2019 | Uncategorized
When we were contacted by a large employer and producer in the UK earlier this year and when we were asked to create something special for their staff at their production facility we were delighted with the challenge! The management team recognised the need to upgrade...
25 Aug, 2019 | Uncategorized
An authentic Irish Pub is a concept that outlasts and out-performs many competitors. Their conviviality and authenticity makes Irish pubs a success. People seek out and engage with the sense of community and friendship. A true authentic Irish bar should offer an...
16 Oct, 2018 | Uncategorized
The popularity of Irish Pubs is due to their conviviality and authenticity. The Authentic Irish Pub has a great reputation for being fun, welcoming and something people want to be a part of. The Irish Pub has been at the centre of communities in Ireland for as long as...
27 Feb, 2017 | Uncategorized
St Patricks Day, March 17th, is a day that offers Ireland and as a result authentic Irish Pubs and Restaurants an opportunity to celebrate with their existing customers and engage and entice new customers like no other day of the year. The Irish Pub is at the centre...
15 Dec, 2016 | Uncategorized
Duffy’s Irish Bar Macau We finished up on site in Macau last week – leaving a delighted client at Duffy’s Irish Bar. Here are a few final site photos and the story of Macau’s latest bar designed and handcrafted in Ireland. Duffy’s Irish Bar Macau is...